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Workshop History

MIS-Cervical Stabilization by traumas | Imam Khomeini's Gathering Scientific Center | Tehran/ IRAN

MIS Discectomy & T-Lif | Imam Khomeini's Gathering Scientific Center | Tehran/ IRAN

Electronic health(Laser Influence) | Olympic Hotel | Tehran/ IRAN

Percutanceus Laser Disc Decompression(PLDD) | Iran Medical Council Conference Center | Tehran/ IRAN

Percutanceous Facette Decompression(PLFD) | Iran Medical Council Conference Center | Tehran/ IRAN

Chronic Pain Management in Neurosurgery | Iran Medical Council Conference Center | Tehran/ IRAN

Polytrimma Pateints Management | Milad Hospital Conference Center | Tehran/ IRAN

Neurosurgical intervention in trauma vascular lesions (praxis) | Milad Hospital Conference Center | Tehran/IRAN

Percutanceous Discectomy By RF in Children | Mahak Charite Hospital | Tehran/ IRAN

MIS By traumatic Fractures Lumbar & therocal | Hands on Work shop spine Surgeons.Azad University | Tehran/ IRAN

Hands on Cadaver workshop Neurosurgical Residents | Medical School | Hannover/Germany

MIS Discectomy & T-LIF | Professor Yalda`s International Congress | Tehran/ IRAN

MISS-Minimal Invasive Apine Surgery | 5th Symposium Inernational of Neurological Surgeons | Tehran/ IRAN

MIS – Techniqus Practical theoretical (Workshop) | Amir al Momenin Hospital Azad University | Tehran/ IRAN

MISS Cadaver Covme | MHH Germany Spine Surgeons | Hannover/Germany

Axia-LIF in MIS-Era | amsgroup | Santorso/Itay

MIS Algorhythmus | amsgroup | Milano/Italy

Course of MISS | On Begin of a Amir-al-Momenin Course of MISS | Tehran/IRAN

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